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Publié le 25 octobre 2021 | Mis à jour le 16 décembre 2021
Projet Let's play
LET’S PLAY - Embodied Intersubjectivity and Cooperative Communication in Bonobos, Chimpanzees and Humans: from Emotional Sharing to Joint Actions Mots clés : Différentiation soi-autrui • Communication • Multimodalité • Coopération • Jeu social Responsable : Audrey Mazur-Palandre, Kristine Lund, Florence Levréro, François Pellegrino. ASLAN financial support : 229 692€
La communication humaine repose sur de nombreuses capacités cognitives acquises de manière stratifiée. L'un des moyens les plus prometteurs pour dévoiler ses origines évolutives est la comparaison de la communication et de la cognition sociale entre humains et autres animaux. Le but général de cette recherche est de contribuer à la compréhension des origines évolutives de la nature coopérative de la cognition sociale et de la communication humaine en étudiant notre espèce ainsi que nos plus proches parents actuellement vivants.
Human communication is evolutionarily stratified, composed of layers of cognitive abilities of different types and different antiquity. One of the most promising means to shed light on its evolutionary origins is the comparison of human and animal communication and social cognition, in search of similarities and differences between us and other species. The aim of this research is to contribute to the general understanding of the evolutionary origins of the cooperative nature of human social cognition and communication by studying humans and our closest living relatives.
Human communication is evolutionarily stratified, composed of layers of cognitive abilities of different types and different antiquity. One of the most promising means to shed light on its evolutionary origins is the comparison of human and animal communication and social cognition, in search of similarities and differences between us and other species. The aim of this research is to contribute to the general understanding of the evolutionary origins of the cooperative nature of human social cognition and communication by studying humans and our closest living relatives.
- FicheProjet_LetsPlay.pdf (PDF, 903 Ko)