Relying on the training provided in the University of Lyon's institutions, especially at the Master and Doctorate levels, ASLAN offers high level complementary training courses, either on targeted themes or in a generalist and largely interdisciplinary framework, for example, on :

Academic College

Education, Cognition, Language (EduCoLa) is concerned with education, cognition and language as objects of study. The mission of EduCoLa is on the one hand to create the conditions in which research structures can - in partnership with social and socio-economic actors - plan, implement, disseminate and valorise original research at the crossroads of education, cognition and language. On the other hand, its mission is to create better training conditions for future generations of professionals, managers, teachers, researchers and teacher-researchers in the social sciences. Finally, EduCoLa seeks to produce resources for social actors and to enrich the political discourse that can impact society on topics related to education, cognition, and language.

Doctoral schools

- ED 484 3LA (Litterature, Languages, Linguistics and Arts) ED 3LA covers the field of Litterature, Languages, Linguistics and Arts.
Common to the Universities of Lyon 2, Lyon 3, Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne and the ENS in Lyon.
- ED 485 EPIC (Education - Psychology - Information and Communication)
- ED 476 NSCo (Neurosciences and Cognition)

Thematic schools

- Instrumentation des Recherches pour l'analyse des données Vidéos de pratiques éducatives (IR-Vidéo3) - Lyon, October 2018

- Ecole Européenne de Typologie Linguistique (TypoLing) - Porquerolles (Hyères), 4 to 17 September 2016

- Sociolinguistic Summer School 7 (SSS7) - Lyon, 21 to 23 June 2016

- Instrumentation des Recherches pour l'analyse des données Vidéos de pratiques éducatives (IR-Vidéo2) - Brest, 5 to 9 October 2015

- (Inter)actions multimodales Lyon : construction et organisation des actions sociales (MAINLY) - Lyon, 21 to 26 September 2015

- Description des Langues d'Afrique de l'Ouest (SENELANGUES) - Dakar, 20 April to 1 May 2015

- Education en Langues Secodes et Etrangères (ELSE) - Lyon, 8 to 10 October 2014

- Instrumentation des Recherches pour l'analyse des données Vidéos de pratiques éducatives (IR-Vidéo) - Brest, 7 to 11 October 2013

- Langues en danger - de la documentation à la revitalisation (3L) - Lyon, 1 to 13 July 2012

- Séquences en interaction : de la paire adjacente aux activités complexes (SEQ-i) - Lyon, 18 to 12 June 2012

- Analyser l’interaction : de la phonétique à la multimodalité (I_PHOM) - Lyon, 14 to 18 June 2010

- TRanscrire et ANalyser L'interaction : du tour à la séquence (TRANAL_I) - Lyon, 22 to 26 June 2009

- Interaction : DOnnées, CORpus, Analyse (I_DOCORA) - Lyon, 23 to 27 June 2008

- CONstitution, Traitement et Analyse de Corpus d’Interactions (CONTACI) - Lyon, 4 to 8 June 2007

International mobility funding

The Training Program axis of LabEx ASLAN offers doctoral and master students the possibility of obtaining international mobility funding to carry out a research stay in Lyon in one of the Labex laboratories.

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Audiovisual Data Capture Technical Training (CCC)

These training courses are provided by the Complex Corpus Cell (CCC) of the ICAR Laboratory and are intended for people in initial training (Master's and Doctorate) but also in continuing education. They take the form of complementary modules integrated into university training courses, seminars or summer schools.

Interventions in Master's programmes


- Master Didactique des langues (parcours Didactique des langues étrangères et TICE) – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales (LLCER) – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Sciences du Langage (parcours Langues, langages et enjeux sociétaux) – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Métiers de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la formation (MEEF) Anglais – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master 2 Métiers de l'Intervention en Formation d'Adultes (MIFA) - Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master 2 Expertise et recherche en éducation - Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Métiers de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la formation (MEEF) – Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, École supérieure du professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE)

- Master Traduction et interprétation (parcours Système de l’Information Multilingues, Ingénierie Linguistique et TRAduction (SIMIL TRA) – Université Lumière Lyon 2, École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB)

- Master Lettres (parcours Lettres Modernes, options Littérature française, Langue française, Littérature comparée et francophonie) – École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Jean Monnet à Saint-Étienne

- Master Sciences Sociales – École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Centre Léon Bérard

- Master Humanités Numériques – École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB)

- Master Didactique des Sciences – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS), Université Lyon 1, Université de Montpellier


- Master 2 Neurosciences fondamentales et cliniques – Université Lyon 1

- Master Sciences du Langage (parcours Langues, langages et enjeux sociétaux) – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Sciences cognitives – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Métiers de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la formation (MEEF) mention Pratique et ingénierie de la formation, parcours Enseignement et surdité – Université de Savoie

- Master Sciences Du Langage – Université d’Aix-Marseille

- Master 2 Psychologie Cognitive des Apprentissages – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master Psychologie de l’Education et de la Formation – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master 1 Psychologie – Université Lumière Lyon 2

- Master 2 Handicaps Sensoriels et Cognitifs – Université Lyon 1


A MOOC entitled 'Dyslexic Students in My Lecture Hall: Understanding and Helping' on welcoming dyslexic students to the University was created and put online in 2018 by LabEx ASLAN.

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3MA - Médias, Médiations, Multimodalité dans l’Apprentissage - Media, Mediations, Multimodality in Learning
The 3MA seminar, held approximately every two months, brings together a sub-team from ICAR working more specifically on the use of digital technology in language teaching and learning. The seminar is particularly intended to contribute to the doctoral training of the students of the team working in this field: sharing of readings and information (symposia, projects), training in concepts and methods, and updates on the progress of the team's work (doctoral students and teacher-researchers). It is at the same time a place for training, exchanges and preparation. It also provides an opportunity to receive experienced researchers in the field to enrich the scientific perspectives of its members.

Ateliers CCC - Cellule Corpus Complexes - Complex Corpus Cell
The CCC periodically organizes thematic "workshops" to address technical or methodological aspects related to the collection, processing, analysis or exploitation of corpora.

ELSE - Education en langues secondes et étrangères - Second and Foreign Language Education
The ELSE seminar brings together actors of bi-plurilingual education (educators, teachers, researchers, students, trainers, inspectors, etc.) once a month on Wednesdays since June 2013 at the ICAR laboratory. This seminar develops a reflection on training and innovation by confronting the common and specific problems of educational contexts in which knowledge is transmitted, learned, built in an OTHER language than the so-called mother tongue of the learner, his or her language of first socialization.

IMPEC - Interactions Multimodales Par ECran - Multimodal Interactions By ECran
The IMPEC working group is conducting research on screen-based interactions. Starting from different disciplinary backgrounds (mainly language sciences, cognitive sciences and information and communication sciences).

InSitu - INteractions : SItuations, praTiques et oUtils
The InSitu team organizes a monthly seminar on topics related to the research carried out by the three sub-teams it comprises (Linguistic Interaction, Cognition and Online Interaction, Information System and Arabic Linguistics and Terminology).

MILAFI - MIgration et LAngues : Accueil, Formation, Insertions - Integration and Language: Welcome, Training, Insertions
MILAFI is a seminar for reflection and exchange on language and cultural training for people who have recently settled, have been living in France for a long time or are in the process of doing so. It aims to raise awareness of the different training contexts and the various forms of intervention in French language learning, but also to reflect on the political, sociolinguistic, psychological and didactic issues involved in language training for adults who are not or not very French-speaking.