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Published on April 8, 2020 | Updated on June 22, 2020
Dyslexia affects thousands of students in French universities. This disability relates to the ease and ability of individuals to read and write, thus constituting an obstacle - but not at all a limit - to their ability to learn in situation. Higher education teachers can easily take part in the support of dyslexics, provided that they are better acquainted with the nature of this handicap and the different ways of supporting this disorder.
MOOC 2019 & 2020
The courses took place from 15 January to 29 March 2019, and from 21 January to 30 March 2020.
MOOC 2018
We will look at the cognitive processes involved in dyslexia and its impact on academic work and learning. We will describe the different tests in the speech and language therapy and neuro-psychological assessment that enable the clinician to make a diagnosis and characterise the profile of each individual; this is essential for the student to better understand his or her disorder and to put in place the necessary measures for his or her own success. We will share with you studies on the dyslexic adult, and more specifically on the dyslexic student. After a discussion with support professionals from the university services to describe the aids available to you and your students, we will offer some keys to adapting your teaching to this invisible disability.
The MOOC took place from 16 January to 28 February 2018, and had 6,564 registrants from 86 different countries.