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Organization ASLAN 1 (2010-2019)
The research carried out within the framework of ASLAN from 2010 to 2019 is structured around three Work Packages (WP), subdivided into several tasks for some of them, according to the following structure :
WP1. Understanding linguistic complexity
While the approach to language and human communication as a complex adaptive system is now widespread, the synergy between language sciences and complexity sciences needs to be strengthened. The Work Package "Understanding linguistic complexity" (WP.1) therefore promotes the development of a common research culture between these two scientific communities and develops cross-cutting projects with WP2 and WP3, from the perspective of complexity.
Three types of actions are implemented: (i) organization of workshops, seminars and colloquia; (ii) financial support for research activities; (iii) development of a platform dedicated to the sharing of corpus practices for dealing with language phenomena in all their multimodal and multidisciplinary complexity (the CCC).
Coordinators: François Pellegrino, Mathieu Quignard, Jean-Philippe Magué
WP2. Language and Languages: origin, evolution and diversity
The main objective of WP2 "Language and Languages: origin, evolution and diversity" is to contribute to the understanding of the origin of languages and their evolution as well as the exploration of today's linguistic diversity and its rapid changes. WP2 is structured around three main themes:
- WP2.1. Articulating descriptive and typological linguistics
- WP2.2. Developing an interdisciplinary approach to the history and ecology of languages
- WP2.3 To reflect critically on issues concerning endangered languages
- WP2.2. Developing an interdisciplinary approach to the history and ecology of languages
- WP2.3 To reflect critically on issues concerning endangered languages
Coordinators: Brigitte Pakendorf, Pierluigi Basso
WP3. From the individual to interactions
WP3 "From the Individual to Interaction" focuses on themes concerning language development and language use in typical and atypical populations across the lifespan (from infants to adolescents to adults). WP3 consists of three main themes:
- WP3.1 Understanding language development and its dysfunctions
- WP3.2 Modelling language usage and interactions in context
- WP3.3. Studying second language acquisition and learning contexts
- WP3.1 Understanding language development and its dysfunctions
- WP3.2 Modelling language usage and interactions in context
- WP3.3. Studying second language acquisition and learning contexts
Coordinators: Véronique Boulenger, Florence Chenu, Isabel Colon de Carvajal, Magali Ollagnier-Beldame
WP4. Interdisciplinary training
The research and results of WP1, WP2 and WP3 contribute to the development of education and training programmes, organized and offered by WP4 "Interdisciplinary Training". WP4 is, within ASLAN, a transversal work package.
Coordinators: Nathalie Blanc, Françoise Rose
Coordinators: Nathalie Blanc, Françoise Rose
WP5. Promotion and valorization of research
The research and results will also be integrated into socio-economic valorisation programmes organised and proposed by WP5 "Promotion and valorization of research".
Coordinator: Audrey Mazur-Palandre