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Published on January 6, 2021 | Updated on January 6, 2021
Funded projects of less than €3,000
- Journées d’étude du projet PrisM (Prisons et Musées) : 1,700 €. Managers : Pierluigi Basso Fossali et Julien Thiburce
These two days are intended to be a framework for interdisciplinary and interprofessional exchange on the dynamics of producing and receiving museum discourses on prisons. The interventions will be articulated around the production of exhibitions on prisons, artistic research cultivating a sensitive approach to this socio-political issue, epistemological reflections on the prison condition and methods of investigation of museum practices.
- Assistants Vocaux en Apprentissage de Langue (AVAL) : 2,946 €. Manager : Joséphine Remon
Emerging vocal interface with a computerized assistant is seeing the first pedagogical explorations. We wish to work on the use of these vocal assistants giving them the role of resource orchestrators with pupils who are capable of working autonomously, in a pedagogical differenciation perspective. We plan to test these devices on a small scale to explore their potential, limitations and ethical issues, in the context of language practice.
- Amélioration manuelle d’un pipeline pour la structuration automatique en XML-TEI et l’enrichissement linguistique de textes encyclopédiques du XVIIIe siècle et du XIXe siècle : 1,200 €. Manager : Denis Vigier
- 33ème colloque de la Société Francophone De Primatologie (SFDP) à Saint -Etienne : 1,000 €. Manager : Florence Levrero
- ALTER AtMeMande : Comparing causal-noncausal alternation in three West-African families in contact: Atlantic, Mel and Mande : 2,366 €. Manager : Sylvie Voisin
This project, in collaboration with Stéphane Robert (LLACAN), has already been presented at the Societas Linguistica Europaea meetings (2018) and in a paper submitted to the Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. It proposes a comparative study of 18 pairs of verbs collected from 51 African languages belonging to three families in order to evaluate the correlation between the typological profile and the causalnoncausal orientation and to identify changes induced by contact.
- NumArte : Saisie numérique de l'Arte de Marban : 1 386 €. Manager : Françoise Rose
The Arte de la lengua Moxa, con su Vocabulario, y Cathecismo, published by Marbán in 1701, is an incredible treasure for a better knowledge of Mojeño as spoken in the 17th century in Bolivia, with a grammar, a dictionary and a bilingual catechism (Spanish-Mojeño). The dictionary and the catechism must be retyped, because the quality of the digitalized versions is not insufficient for a systematic linguistic analysis, as well as for a new edition.
- ViDAs : Visual Data from Asia : Digitization of field data : 2 971 €. Manager : Alice Vittrant
This application concerns the digitization of field data. Working for more than 20 years in Asia in different linguistic communities, I have accumulated a large amount of previously untapped data. During the fields carried out in China, Burma and Vietnam, the linguistic analysis work was supported by visual documentation of the culture and the community. The data collected at the end of the 20th century (1995-2005) was analogical data (magnetic tapes, video tapes, slides, negatives). The funding would be used to make some of the visual data sustainable, starting with the “slide” data.
- Text classification and visualization of information : 1 720 €. Manager : Denis Vigier
- DicoDiouf : 1 500 €. Manager : Sylvie Voisin
This application concerns a master’s internship (2 months). It aims to capture and format the Wolof-French dictionary edited by Jean-Léopold Diouf (2003) compounded of 8,362 entries. In the first time, in the form of an excel file with fields allowing to isolate, sort and classify by lexical morpheme, grammatical category, consonant of noun class, etc. This internship will allow to replace the data currently integrated in the RefLex project (DDL-LLACAN) and to set up other means of comparison, in particular with the AGliPaB project (InSHS 2020 funding).