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Science with and for society
Since its creation, LabEx ASLAN has made innovation and the articulation between its research and social issues its highest priorities.
Thus, in addition to the different scientific axes, ASLAN has developed an axis dedicated to the valorisation and promotion of research in order to facilitate interdisciplinarity.
This axis has been designed around two issues: communication and coordination of the scientific community's activities, and valorisation actions.
These actions are varied and include scientific and general public events, extra-academic partnerships, research-action, training and the dissemination of scientific and technical culture.
Thus, in addition to the different scientific axes, ASLAN has developed an axis dedicated to the valorisation and promotion of research in order to facilitate interdisciplinarity.
This axis has been designed around two issues: communication and coordination of the scientific community's activities, and valorisation actions.
These actions are varied and include scientific and general public events, extra-academic partnerships, research-action, training and the dissemination of scientific and technical culture.