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Published on June 15, 2020 | Updated on June 17, 2020
Health and well being
Research in Human and Social Sciences in the field of health and personal care has both increased and improved in the last decade. ASLAN members have carried out several projects in which they questioned language in relation to health from a cognitive, psycholinguistic, linguistic and interactional perspective. The Labex ASLAN indeed allows research on a variety of pathologies which affect language in children as well as in young and older adults and on interactions between health professionals and patients: dyslexia at university, Alzheimer’s disease, parasomnia, speech therapy, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, language and speech pathologies, migrants and healthcare, interaction between health professionals and patient, etc.
These cross-cutting theme Helth and Well Being implies various collaborations with extra-academic structures; research team work with extra-academic structures like The Hospital of Le Vinatier, The Fourviere Hospital, HFME, Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Paul-Bocuse, Centre Orspere-Samdarra, Hôpital Gériatrique des Charpennes (Lyon), CHU Purpan (Toulouse), Hospices civils de Lyon and their Comité de Liaison en Alimentation et Nutrition, Institut Paul Bocuse, Hôpital Pierre Wertheimer, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Association DYStinguons-nous !, the Disabled Students’ Service (UdL). This is all the more true since some research questions stem from solicitations of the civil society.
These cross-cutting theme Helth and Well Being implies various collaborations with extra-academic structures; research team work with extra-academic structures like The Hospital of Le Vinatier, The Fourviere Hospital, HFME, Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Paul-Bocuse, Centre Orspere-Samdarra, Hôpital Gériatrique des Charpennes (Lyon), CHU Purpan (Toulouse), Hospices civils de Lyon and their Comité de Liaison en Alimentation et Nutrition, Institut Paul Bocuse, Hôpital Pierre Wertheimer, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Association DYStinguons-nous !, the Disabled Students’ Service (UdL). This is all the more true since some research questions stem from solicitations of the civil society.